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“getting dot OLDER”: Joys, sorrows, laughs, tears and surprising revelations from diverse baby boomers across America. Now producing Season-3. Seasons 1 & 2 now on PBS TV stations and streaming online 24/7.



“getting dot OLDER”, now producing its third season on PBS stations, is a docu-talk series featuring intimate, personal revelations about aging from diverse baby boomers. Viewers 50+ are invited to fill out an online survey for a chance to be chosen for a TV interview.  Innovative concept includes “day in the life” clips filmed on location; viewer selfies; and excerpts from video calls.  From deeply poignant to laugh-out-loud funny, Host Roberto Mighty helps boomers share their deepest feelings on life, death, love, spirituality, family and intimacy.

“getting dot OLDER” is a new public television series by Roberto Mighty, featuring intimate revelations about aging from diverse Baby Boomers, plus expert commentary. Now you can join us! Click here to take our survey.

A bicycle activist. A US Gold Medalist figure skater. A ballroom-dancing Chinese teacher. A transgender software developer. A Vietnam veteran advocate. An African dancer. A restaurateur. A Puerto-Rican opera singer. A cattle rancher. A retired postal worker. A gay tailor. And many more diverse Americans. All participants in getting dot OLDER.

Now you can share YOUR story. Please join us today.

Presented by Northern California Public Media and Distributed by American Public Television

Presented by Northern California Public Media and Distributed by American Public Television

Live Q&A on Facebook on Tuesday, March 1, at 2:30 p.m. ET